" What is wine " is the first thing to learn in any wine course. But ' What can be put inside a wine ' is seldom a subject to be included.
There is always some information that you have to earn by your own.
In France, by the law, there are certain substances that are allowed to be add into a wine ( Instrants autorises dans le vin ) during the production of the conventional wine ( vin conventionnel ). You will be amazed by these 'elements'. To name you a few: Polyvinylpyrrolidone ( in short form, PVP ... Chinese is 聚乙烯吡咯烷酮 ... equally dizzy wordings as the English ); Diammonium phosphate (DAP) - can be use as a fertilizer, fire retardant, nicotine enhancer, or as a flux for copper,zinc,brass,soldering tin; Silica gel ( gel de silice - yes, the absorbent to control humidity, usually in bead form ) .... *
Source - www.vignevin.com
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